Updated Sunday, Nov. 23 20:24 GMT | © LeFFe 1997 | Cheat codes What the code does Code Display a game clock +clock Gives you 1,000 metal and energy +atm You win the current game +iwin You lose the current game +ilose Toggles Line of sight +los Turns gray line of sight to dithered +dither Disables fog of war and Line of Sight +nowisee Takes away all of your energy +noenergy Takes away all of your metal +nometal All weapons do half damage +halfshot All weapons do double damage +doubleshot Gives you full radar coverage +radar The units will sing to you when you order them +sing Mission skipping code Click on Total Annihilation's Single Player icon. When the Single Player Game page appears type DRDEATH (it is not case sensitive). This will cause a Cavedog Entertainment bone to appear between the Load Game and Previous Menu icons on the right side of the screen. Clicking on the bone will take players to a special Play Any Game screen where they can play any Total Annihilation mission, even if you have not earned their way to that level yet.